LanguageDropdown Class Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Writes links to all found MLC sibling documents, and writes it to the supplied stream or the default response stream. The LanguageDropdown class acts as the underlying engine for the Language dropdown AS component.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: ContentStudio.Site.ActiveScripting.MLC
Assembly: CS_SiteLib (in CS_SiteLib.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

public class LanguageDropdown : InsertLinksToMLCSiblings

The LanguageDropdown type exposes the following members.


Public methodLanguageDropdown
Constructs a new instance of the LanguageDropdown class that writes to the default response stream
Public methodLanguageDropdown(Stream)
Constructs a new instance of the LanguageDropdown class that writes to the supplied stream

Protected propertyActualDocumentId
Gets the ID of the actual inserted document. The default value, before the Invoke method has been executed, is zero. If UseRoot is true, this property contains the root document (if existing), or the current document. If UseRoot is false, this will be the document itself.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Protected propertyActualSeparator
Gets the separator that actually is used. If LinksOnNewLine is true, the separator will be a "<BR />" tag, otherwise it will be the value of the Separator property.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public propertyCode exampleAttributes
Sets or gets optional attributes for each generated element. The default value is an empty string.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public propertyBackwardsComponentCompatibilityMode
Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the code runs in backwards compatibility component mode. The default value is false.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public propertyClassName
Sets or gets the name of an EPT field that contains the CSS class name to use with the displayed link. The default value is an empty string. If the StaticClassName parameter is set this parameter is ignored. This method should only be used in presentation templates.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public propertyComponentName
Gets the name of the component
(Overrides InsertLinksToMLCSiblingsComponentName.)
Public propertyConformance
Gets a value which specifies which type of code a component can generate.
(Overrides InsertLinksToMLCSiblingsConformance.)
Protected propertyCode exampleCS_DataFields
Gets a EPTXmlParser that contains a collection of EPT field definitions and values. This property is the replacement for the obsolete EPT_GetFieldName(String) and EPT_GetFieldValue(String) methods.
(Inherited from CodeBase.)
Public propertyElementType
Gets a value which specifies the type of outer element the component generates.
(Overrides InsertLinksToMLCSiblingsElementType.)
Public propertyEncoding
Sets or gets the encoding the component uses. The default encoding is the UTF8 encoding without byte order mark.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public propertyLanguageCode
Gets the language code used. By default this property is "neutral" and set when the LanguageXml property is set.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Public propertyLanguageID
Gets the language id used. By default this property is 1 (neutral) and set when the LanguageXml property is set.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Public propertyLanguageName
Gets the language name used. By default this property is an "(Language neutral)" and set when the LanguageXml property is set.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Public propertyLanguageXml
Sets or gets a value that indicates an MLC-language used by the document to insert. This is indicated as an XML fragment in the format: <r><id>NNNNN</id><name>Language name</name><languagecode>LL</languagecode></r> Where NNNNN is the numeric LanguageID and LL is the language short string The default value is "<r><id>1</id><name>(Language neutral)</name><languagecode>neutral</languagecode></r>" When you set this property the LanguageID, LanguageName and LanguageCode properties are set to the language indicated by the XML fragment.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Public propertyLinkOption
Sets or gets a value that indicates the display mode for the current language. The default value is LinkOptions.DoNotDisplayLinkToSelf.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public propertyLinksOnNewLine
Sets or gets a value that indicates if each of the links should be on a separate line (separated by line breaks).The default value is false. If this property is true, the Separator property will be ignored.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public propertyLookupPresentationTemplate
Sets or gets a value that indicates if Content Studio should do an MLC lookup on the presentation template. The default value is true. If this property is true, the presentation template must be an MLC member or located in an MLC member category.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public propertyLookupReferrer
Sets or gets a value that indicates if Content Studio should do an MLC lookup on the referring document retrieved from the component. The default value is true. If this property is true, the referrer document must be an MLC member or located in an MLC member category.
Public propertyNoDisplayCountry
Sets or gets a value that indicates if the country information should be displayed. The default value is false ("Swedish - Sweden" will be displayed as "Swedish").
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Protected propertyPage
A reference to the current context page. This will initialize in the constructor of this class.
(Inherited from CodeBase.)
Protected propertyPresentationTemplateSiblings
Returns a collection of presentation template siblings connected to the current document's presentation template. The first time this property is called the collection is create and filled with the siblings of the current presentation template.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Protected propertyReferrerSiblings
Gets a collection of MLC siblings for the referring page.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Protected propertyRunningUserControl
Gets the current running user control.
(Inherited from CodeBase.)
Public propertySeparator
Sets or gets the string that is used as a separator between the links. The default value is a ", " (a comma followed by a space).
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Protected propertySiblings
Returns a collection of siblings connected to this document. The first time this property is called the collection is create and filled with the siblings of the current document. To fill the collection with siblings for another document use the LoadDocumentSiblings method before calling this property.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Public propertyStaticClassName
Gets or sets the CLASS attribute of the displayed link. The default value is an empty string. Set this property to an empty string if the ClassName property should be used.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public propertyStaticTarget
Gets or sets the TARGET attribute of the displayed link. The default value is an empty string. Set this property to an empty string if the Target property should be used.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public propertyTarget
Gets or sets the a name of an EPT field that contains the TARGET attribute of the link. The default value is an empty string If the StaticTarget parameter is set this parameter is ignored. Available in presentation templates only.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public propertyTranslations
Sets or gets a value that indicates the type of translation of language names to be done while rendering the links. The default value is TranslationOptions.DefaultLanguageName.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public propertyUseRoot
Sets or gets a value that indicates if this component is used in an included document. The default value is false. If this property is true, the document that this document is included in will be used (rather that the current document).
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)

Protected methodBuildHTMLComponentException
Returns an component exception in HTML format.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodBuildLink
Builds the link to be written. This method is called by the Invoke method.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGenerateLinkTargetAttribute
Returns the attribute string to be written to the link.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodGetCorrectField
Extracts the correct value from a passed in EPT field name and a static field value.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodGetDocumentLanguage
Returns the language of the an MLC documents.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetLanguageText
Returns the language text to use. The result depends on the Translations and the NoDisplayCountry properties
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)
Protected methodGetMLCDocumentSibling
Returns the sibling document to the specified document that has the language indicated by the LanguageID property.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Protected methodGetMLCDocumentSiblingByLanguageCode
Returns the sibling document to the specified document that has the language code specified.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Protected methodGetSiblingCollection
Returns a collection of siblings given a document identifier.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInvoke
Invokes the component and writes its content into the specified stream.
(Overrides InsertLinksToMLCSiblingsInvoke.)
Protected methodLoadDocumentSiblings
Loads the Siblings collection with MLC siblings for a specific document. If the collection already exists and is filled it will be recreated an refilled.
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodReadFromApplicationCache
Returns data that is read from the application cache.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodSetApplicationCache
Stores a string in the application cache.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodSetLanguage(Int32)
Sets the correct MLC language information if you have the Language identifier. This method will set the LanguageXml, LanguageID, LanguageName and LanguageCode properties
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Protected methodSetLanguage(String)
Sets the correct MLC language information if you have the Language code. This method will set the LanguageXml, LanguageID, LanguageName and LanguageCode properties
(Inherited from MLCBase.)
Protected methodSyncronizeMLC
Provides support for components that needs to be MLC aware, by localizing the supplied category or presentation template from the current document, or the preferred language of the visitor.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodWriteAttribute(TextWriter, String, String)
Writes an attribute string to the supplied stream, unless Value is an empty string or null
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodWriteAttribute(TextWriter, String, String, Boolean)
Writes an attribute string to the supplied stream.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodWriteDropdown
Renders a dropdown (select) element, filled with MLC sibling documents. The TextWriter can be the response stream or a user defined StreamWriter. Use the SiteBase.WriteResponse.GetStreamWriter() method to create a suitable writer. You can override this method to render your own dropdown (select) element.
Protected methodWriteLink
Writes the link based on the property set of the component and the supplied link.
(Inherited from InsertLinksToMLCSiblings.)

This class is MLC aware, and can only be used in MLC member documents. To use this class, create an instance of this object, set up the properties and call the Invoke´method with an appropriate set of parameters. This class can throw exceptions, thus your code should be wrapped within try/catch statements in order to avoid the entire page to crash. This class generates inline code, thus you must wrap it into a block element to make the page validate according to the HTML/XHTML regulations. The generated code is fully HTML/XHTML strict compatible.
See Also
