ShowDate Properties Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The ShowDate type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property BackwardsComponentCompatibilityMode
Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the code runs in backwards compatibility component mode. The default value is false.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public property ComponentName
Gets the name of the component
(Overrides ActiveScriptingBaseComponentName.)
Public property Conformance
Gets a value which specifies which type of code a component can generate.
(Overrides ActiveScriptingBaseConformance.)
Public property CustomFormat
Sets or gets a value that indicates a format string to use with the custom date format. For a more information on the different time format strings see the System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo class documentation. The default value is G which displays a combination of the short date and long time patterns, separated by a space.
Public property DateFormat
Sets or gets a value that indicates the format to use. The default value is DateFormats.Format1
Public property ElementType
Gets a value which specifies the type of outer element the component generates.
(Overrides ActiveScriptingBaseElementType.)
Public property Encoding
Sets or gets the encoding the component uses. The default encoding is the UTF8 encoding without byte order mark.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public property EPTFieldName
Sets or gets a value that contains a field that contains a date/time value. The default value is an empty string which forces the component to use the current date/time. If this property is specified and the field does not exist or the field does not contain a value that can be interpreted as a DateTime, nothing is written.
See Also
