DateTimeFormat Properties Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The DateTimeFormat type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Culture
Gets or sets the culture. The name of the culture to use when sorting the list. If no culture is specified the culture of the system is used. The culture must be one of the names specified by the .NET CultureInfo class, for example \"en-us\" or \"sv\". Specifying a culture can be very valuable when making a web site that is ment for several cultures since different cultures uses different date format.
Public property FormatPattern
A DateTime format string. A custom date/time format to use. This format should comply with the .NET System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo class specification. Ex. system aware formats like \"D\" (long date) \"d\" (short date) \"G\" (General long date/time) \"g\" (general short date/time) and exact formats like \"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\" which is the standard swedish date/time format.
See Also
