IDocumentStatus Interface Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Defines properties used to describe a Content Studio document's status.

Namespace: ContentStudio.EventActions.SynchronousEventHandlers
Assembly: SyncEvtHand (in SyncEvtHand.dll) Version: (

public interface IDocumentStatus

The IDocumentStatus type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCanBePublished
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered the event currently has the flag set that allows it to be published.
Public propertyHasBeenReviewedInWorkflow
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered the event has been reviewed in a workflow controlled by Content Studio Workflow Server.
Public propertyHasDraft
Gets a value indicating whether the document has a draft content.
Public propertyHasMetaData
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered event the adds meta data content.
Public propertyIsAuthoredInWorkflow
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered the event has been authored in Content Studio Workflow Server.
Public propertyIsForApprovalInWorkflow
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered the event has been approved by Content Studio Workflow Server.
Public propertyIsForAuthoringInWorkflow
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered the event is for authoring in Content Studio Workflow Server.
Public propertyIsForReviewInWorkflow
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered the event is beeing reviewed in a workflow controlled by Content Studio Workflow Server.
Public propertyIsInRecyclingBin
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered the event is in the recycling bin.
Public propertyIsOnWorkflow
Gets a value indicating whether the document is on workflow.
Public propertyIsProtected
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered the event is protected.
Public propertyIsRejected
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered the event is rejected in workflow.
Public propertyIsRejectedByWorkflowServer
Gets a value indicating whether the document that triggered the event is rejected by the Content Studio Workflow Server.
See Also
