ListChildren Methods Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The ListChildren type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method BuildHTMLComponentException
Returns an component exception in HTML format.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GenerateLinkTargetAttribute
Returns the attribute string to be written to the link.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public method GetColumnDefinition
Returns the column definition for a specific position
Public method GetColumnHeaderText
Returns the title of a specific column header
Protected method GetCorrectField
Extracts the correct value from a passed in EPT field name and a static field value.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected method Static member GetDataRow
Gets a new DataRow object with data.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Invoke
Invokes the component and writes its content into the specified stream
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ReadFromApplicationCache
Returns data that is read from the application cache.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected method RenderCell(TextWriter, String)
Render a table cell element (<td>).
Protected method RenderCell(TextWriter, String, ListChildrenDataRow, Boolean)
Render a table cell element (<td>).
Protected method RenderHeader
Renders the table header.
Protected method RenderLink
Renders a link element (<a>) based on the properties of the class and the data passed in.
Protected method RenderRowEnd
Renders the table row end element (</tr>)
Protected method RenderRowStart
Renders the table row start element (<tr>)
Protected method RenderTableAsColumnStyle
Renders the table, oriented using columns.
Protected method RenderTableAsRowStyle
Renders the table, oriented using rows.
Protected method RenderTableEnd
Writes the closing tbody and table elements to the supplied writer.
Protected method RenderTableStart
Writes the table start element with its attributes including the caption element and a tbody to the supplied writer.
Protected method SetApplicationCache
Stores a string in the application cache.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public method SetColumnDefinition(Int32, ListChildrenColumnDefinition)
Sets a column definition at a specific column position.
Public method SetColumnDefinition(Int32, String)
Sets a column definition at a specific column position.
Public method SetColumnHeaderText
Sets the value of one of the column headers.
Protected method SyncronizeMLC
Provides support for components that needs to be MLC aware, by localizing the supplied category or presentation template from the current document, or the preferred language of the visitor.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method WriteAttribute(TextWriter, String, String)
Writes an attribute string to the supplied stream, unless Value is an empty string or null
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected method WriteAttribute(TextWriter, String, String, Boolean)
Writes an attribute string to the supplied stream.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
See Also
