ThumbnailImageProcessingSettings Properties Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The ThumbnailImageProcessingSettings type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property DestinationFormat
Gets or sets the destination format of the image. Set to null to use the same format as the originally uploaded file.
(Inherited from ImageProcessingSettings.)
Public property FileNameFormat
Gets or sets the file name format wheares the {FileName} is file name of the uploaded file without the extension and the {Extension} is the extension of the uploaded file.
(Overrides ImageProcessingSettingsFileNameFormat.)
Public property ImageFilter
Image filters are used to interpolate new pixel values when the size of an image changes. The purpose is to maintain the image quality as good as possible. All image filters work in similar ways, but they differ in the priorities and weight of the surrounding pixels. There is no filter that is optimal for all scenarios. Therefore, it may be necessary to test different filter to fins the one that is best suited for each category.
(Inherited from ImageProcessingSettings.)
Public property IsDefaultFileNameFormat
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is default file name format.
(Inherited from ImageProcessingSettings.)
Public property MaxHeight
If a maximum size is given (value greater then zero), the images are scaled to fit within the limits, provided that the original image is larger than the maximum size. If the image format does not support resizing, the meta data is change to reflect 72 dpi resolution. If no maximum size is given, the image resolution is read from its meta data. If the resolution is higher than 72 dpi, it will be scaled (sampled) to 72 dpi.
(Overrides ImageProcessingSettingsMaxHeight.)
Public property MaxWidth
If a maximum size is given (value greater then zero), the images are scaled to fit within the limits, provided that the original image is larger than the maximum size. If the image format does not support resizing, the meta data is change to reflect 72 dpi resolution. If no maximum size is given, the image resolution is read from its meta data. If the resolution is higher than 72 dpi, it will be scaled (sampled) to 72 dpi.
(Overrides ImageProcessingSettingsMaxWidth.)
Public property Quality
The Quality level is only used for compression if the image format allows it. Currently, compression is only used for JPEG images. Low quality numbers indicate high compression with low picture quality and small file size.
(Inherited from ImageProcessingSettings.)
Public property UseSmartResizing
With smart resizing, the picture orientation is investigated. If the image uses portrait orientation, the given values for maximum with and height will change place.
(Inherited from ImageProcessingSettings.)
Protected property ViewState
Gets the state of the view.
(Inherited from ImageProcessingSettings.)
See Also
