ListPageableFilteredDocuments20 Class Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Inserts documents from a category, filtered on up to twenty XML fields, and writes them as HTML to the supplied stream or the default response stream. There is also functionality for generating dynamic code that is executed for each row and selected columns in the result set. The ListPageableFilteredDocuments20 class acts as the underlying engine for the List pageable filtered documents 2.0 AS component.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: ContentStudio.Site.ActiveScripting.EPT
Assembly: CS_SiteLib (in CS_SiteLib.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

public class ListPageableFilteredDocuments20 : EPTBase

The ListPageableFilteredDocuments20 type exposes the following members.


Public methodListPageableFilteredDocuments20
Initializes a new instance of the ListPageableFilteredDocuments20 class

Public propertyAllowNonMLCParent
Sets or gets a value indicating if non-MLC documents should be allowed as parent documents. The default value is true.
Public propertyApplicationTimeout
Sets or gets a value indicating the time out limit of the application cache (measured in minutes). A zero value means that no cache is used. The default value is 240.
Public propertyBackwardsComponentCompatibilityMode
Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the code runs in backwards compatibility component mode. The default value is false.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public propertyBoth
Sets or gets a value indicating if paging information should be both at the top and at the bottom of the listing. The default value is false.
Public propertyBottom
Sets or gets a value indicating if paging information should be at the bottom of the listing. The default value is true.
Public propertyCheckForReadPermission
Sets or gets a value indicating if READ permissions should be checked (instead of BROWSE or READ). The default value is false.
Public propertyCheckLangCookie
Sets or gets a value indicating if language cookies should be checked. The default value is true.
Public propertyCheckPTID
Sets or gets a value indicating if the PTID should be checked. The default value is false.
Public propertyColProperties
Sets or gets the column properties (CAPTION, COL and COLGROUP tags) of the table. The default value is an empty string.
Public propertyComponentName
Gets the name of the component
(Overrides ActiveScriptingBaseComponentName.)
Public propertyConformance
Gets a value which specifies which type of code a component can generate.
(Overrides ActiveScriptingBaseConformance.)
Protected propertyCode exampleCS_DataFields
Gets a EPTXmlParser that contains a collection of EPT field definitions and values. This property is the replacement for the obsolete EPT_GetFieldName(String) and EPT_GetFieldValue(String) methods.
(Inherited from CodeBase.)
Public propertyDataTypes
Sets or gets an array of data types corresponding to the XML fields that are used for filtering. The specified data type must be capable of handling all values that occur in the corresponding field. The default value is null (no array values are set).
Public propertyDefaultSortField
Sets or gets the field to use for sorting, unless something else is defined. The default value is null (no sort order is specified).
Public propertyCode exampleDynamicCodes
An optional array if object that implements the EPTBaseICS_ASDynamicCode interface and contains code to be executed for one or more columns in each processed row.
Public propertyEditTemplateID
Sets or gets the ETP document to refer to for drafts. The default value is zero (no ETP document).
Public propertyElementType
Gets a value which specifies the type of outer element the component generates.
(Overrides ActiveScriptingBaseElementType.)
Public propertyEnableDirectEditing
Sets or gets a value indicating if direct editing is enabled. The default value is null.
Public propertyEncoding
Sets or gets the encoding the component uses. The default encoding is the UTF8 encoding without byte order mark.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public propertyCode exampleFilterCriteria
Sets or gets an optional SQL criteria that is used for filtering. Field names must be enclosed in square brackets and they must be types with the correct casing. The default value is null (no filtering criteria is used).
Public propertyIgnorePublishStatus
Sets or gets a value indicating if publishing status (Publishdate, Archivedate and Withdrawn) should be ignored when filtering documents. The default value is false (only published documents will be displayed).
Public propertyIsMLCAware
Sets or gets a value indicating if the filtering should be MLC aware. The default value is false.
Public propertyLBLLeadingPageRangeText
Sets or gets the leading text to display in the paging information. The default value is an empty string.
Public propertyLBLLinkPrefix
Sets or gets link prefix text of the paging information. The default value is an empty string.
Public propertyLBLNextPage
Sets or gets the text for next page in the paging information. The default value is a "greater than" sign.
Public propertyLBLNextRange
Sets or gets the text for next range in the paging information. The default value is two "greater than" signs.
Public propertyLBLPrevPage
Sets or gets the text for previous page in the paging information. The default value is a "less than" sign.
Public propertyLBLPrevRange
Sets or gets the text for the previous range in the paging information. The default value is two "less than" signs.
Public propertyLinkAttributes
Sets or gets the link attributes. The default value is an empty string.
Public propertyLinkSep
Sets or gets a value used as link separator text. The default value is a non-breaking space.
Public propertyListDrafts
Sets or gets a value indicating if drafts should be included in the listing. Pass null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to query against the draft or the approved content, if draft was not found. The default value is false.
Public propertyMakeLinks
Sets or gets values indicating if the corresponding XML fields should be links. The default value is null.
Public propertyNoRecordDocId
Sets or gets the ID of the document to display if no documents are found. The default value is zero (no page is used).
Public propertyNoRecordDocPTId
Sets or gets the presentation template to use when displaying "no documents found" page. The default value is zero (no presentation template is used).
Public propertyNoRecordText
Sets or gets the text to display when no documents are found. The default value is "No records found".
Protected propertyPage
A reference to the current context page. This will initialize in the constructor of this class.
(Inherited from CodeBase.)
Public propertyPageSize
Sets or gets the number of documents to display on each page. If set to zero, all documents are displayed. The default value is 20.
Public propertyPostMode
Sets or gets a value indicating how posted pages should be handled. The default value is zero (not handling posted pages).
Public propertyPTID
Sets or gets an optional presentation template to use to when presenting the data elements. The default value is zero (the default presentation template is used).
Public propertyRandomSort
Randomize sorting order. The default value is false.
Public propertyRangeSize
Sets or gets the number if page references to display in the paging information. The default value is 10.
Public propertyRecordTextBottom
Sets or gets a text that is displayed after the list if any records were found. Constants $RecordCount$ and $PageCount$ will be replaced with the corresponding values. The default value is an empty string.
Public propertyRecordTextTop
Sets or gets a text that is displayed before the list if any records were found. Constants $RecordCount$ and $PageCount$ will be replaced with the corresponding values. The default value is an empty string.
Public propertyReturnFieldsInResult
Sets or gets values indicating if the corresponding XML fields should be included in the result. The default value is null.
Public propertyReturnOnlyThisColumn
Sets or gets a value indicating if only this column should be returned. The default value is false.
Public propertyRowColor1
Sets or gets the background color of odd numbered rows (1, 3 etc.). The default value is "#F5F5F5" (light grey).
Public propertyRowColor2
Sets or gets the background color of even numbered rows (2,4 etc.). The default value is "#FFFFFF" (white).
Protected propertyRunningUserControl
Gets the current running user control.
(Inherited from CodeBase.)
Public propertySortCellAttributes
Sets or gets the attributes of sorted cells. The default value is an empty string (no attribute is used).
Public propertySortColumns
Sets or gets the headers for columns that are prepared for sorting. The default value is null.
Public propertySortDesc
Sets or gets a value indicating if the sort order should be descending. The default value is false (sort in ascending order).
Public propertyTableAttributes
Sets or gets table attributes. The default value is an empty string.
Public propertyTableBorder
Sets or gets the table border width. The default value is zero (no border). Remarks This property is only relevant if UseTable is set to true.
Public propertyTableCellPadding
Sets or gets the table cell padding. The default value is 3. Remarks This property is only relevant if UseTable is set to true.
Public propertyTableCellSpacing
Sets or gets the table cell spacing. The default value is 3. Remarks This property is only relevant if UseTable is set to true.
Public propertyTableWidth
Sets or gets the table width (in pixels or percentage). The default value is "100%".
Public propertyTarget
Sets or gets the name of the field containing the text to be used in theTARGET attribute of the link. The default value is an empty string (the attribute is not used).
Public propertyTop
Sets or gets a value indicating if the paging information should be at the top of the listing. The default value is false.
Public propertyUniqueID
Sets or gets a unique identifier that can act as a prefix to the sortable columns. This is useful if there can be several paging instances on the same page.The default value is "CS_".
Public propertyUseApplicationCache
Sets or gets a value indicating if application cache should be used. The default value is false (no application cache is used).
Public propertyUsePageing
Sets or gets a value indicating if paging information should be displayed. The default value is true.
Public propertyUseRoot
Sets or gets a value indicating if the root should be used to fetch current language (rather than from the document in which the component is inserted). The default value is false.
Public propertyXMLFields
Sets or gets the XML fields that are used as result criteria or to define the sort order. The default value is null (no fields are specified).

Protected methodBuildHTMLComponentException
Returns an component exception in HTML format.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodCreatePageRange
Create a page range in HTML or XHTML
(Inherited from PageableComponent.)
Protected methodCSF_LookUpField(Int32, String, String, String)
Used for id lookups from xmlindex
(Inherited from EPTBase.)
Protected methodCSF_LookUpField(Int32, String, String, String, Boolean, Int32)
Used for id lookups from xmlindex
(Inherited from EPTBase.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGenerateLinkTargetAttribute
Returns the attribute string to be written to the link.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodGetCorrectField
Extracts the correct value from a passed in EPT field name and a static field value.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInvoke(Int32)
Invokes the component and writes its content into the default response stream
Public methodInvoke(Stream, Int32)
Invokes the component and writes its content into the specified stream.
Protected methodMakeDirectEditIcon
Method for creating an direct edit icon used in web view
(Inherited from EPTBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodPrepareSortCells(Stream, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Prepare sort cells. Writes a <td></td> or <span></span> portion of sort cell.
(Inherited from EPTBase.)
Protected methodPrepareSortCells(Stream, Boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Prepare sort cells. Writes a <td></td> or <span></span> portion of sort cell.
(Inherited from EPTBase.)
Protected methodReadFromApplicationCache
Returns data that is read from the application cache.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodReturnQueryAsDictionary
Returns a Dictionary containing query results.
(Inherited from EPTBase.)
Protected methodSetApplicationCache
Stores a string in the application cache.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodSyncronizeMLC
Provides support for components that needs to be MLC aware, by localizing the supplied category or presentation template from the current document, or the preferred language of the visitor.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodWriteAttribute(TextWriter, String, String)
Writes an attribute string to the supplied stream, unless Value is an empty string or null
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Protected methodWriteAttribute(TextWriter, String, String, Boolean)
Writes an attribute string to the supplied stream.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)

To use this class, create an instance of this object, set the properties that does not have the values you expect, and call the Invoke method. This class can throw exceptions, thus your code should be wrapped within try/catch statements in order to avoid the entire page to crash. This class generates inline code, thus you must wrap it into a block element to make the page validate according to the HTML/XHTML regulations. The generated code is fully HTML/XHTML strict compatible.
See Also
