ContentStudio.Site.ActiveScripting.Security Namespace Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

This namespace contains the code behind implementation for all the security aware Content Studio components.

  Class Description
Public class ForceLogin
Forces an unauthorized caller to provide logon credentials and optionally be redirected to a specific page. If the caller does not have permission to the redirect page, an alternate page can be supplied. The ForceLogin class acts as the underlying engine for the Force Login AS component.
Public class GroupIncludeOrRedirect
Redirects the caller to a document, or includes a document based on the caller's membership in one or more groups. The code is written to the supplied stream or to the default response stream. The GroupIncludeOrRedirect class acts as the underlying engine for the Group include or redirect AS component.
Public class InsertEncryptedEmailLink
Encrypts an email adress with the method specified in EncryptionMethod. The generates inline code thus you must wrap it into a block element in order for the resulting code to validate. The code generated is fully HTML/XHTML strict compatible.
Public class InsertLinkByPermission
Writes a link to the actual document, depending on the permissions that are set for the caller, to the supplied stream or the default response stream The InsertLinkByPermission class acts as the underlying engine for the Insert Link By Permission AS component.
Public class InsertLinkIfWritePermission
Creates a link that opens a document in edit mode, if the caller has a certain permission on this document, and writes it to the supplied stream or the default response stream, . The InsertLinkIfWritePermission class acts as the underlying engine for the Insert link if write permission AS component.
Public class IPAddressAccessRestrictions
Redirects the caller to another page depending on the IP-address of the client. Up to 15 IP addresses can be defined. The IPAddressAccessRestrictions class acts as the underlying engine for the IP address access restrictions AS component.
Public class Code example LoadUserInfoCookies
Identifiers the user based on the Content Studio login and sets an in-memory cookie collection that contains useful user information. If the cookie already exists, this class does nothing. The cookie is a memory-based session cookie, and is destroyed when the browser is closed and it cannot be used to pass on sensitive information. This class is mainly intended for intranets (or similar) where all users are authenticated. In addition to authenticated users, anonymous users are supported. Typically, you execute this code on the start page of a web site to collect user information and have them easily accessibly in a in-memory cookie.
Public class PermissionDependentComponent
This abstract class acts as a base class for all classes that renders its content depending on the caller's access rights to an object.
Public class RenderEventArgs
Defines the event arguments that are passed to the OnRender method of a component that derives from the PermissionDependentComponent base class.
Public class SecureDownload
This class Inserts a link in a presentationtemplate or a document to a sequre download where the original URL will not be revealed to the visitor. This class writes HTML for the component to the supplied stream or the default response stream. The SecureDownload class acts as the underlying engine for the Secure download Content Studio component. Create an instance of this object, set the properties that does not have their default values you expect and call the invoke method. The generates inline code thus you must wrap it into a block element in order for the resulting code to validate. The code generated is fully HTML/XHTML strict compatible.

  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration GroupIncludeOrRedirectActions
Specifies an Action to be taken when invoked.
Public enumeration GroupIncludeOrRedirectGroupfilterEvaluationRules
Indicates how the groups in the Groupfilter must match the caller's memberships in order to evaluate to true.
Public enumeration InsertEncryptedEmailLinkEmailEncryptionMethod
An enumeration that defines which email encryption method to use
Public enumeration InsertLinkByPermissionAccessCheckTargets
Defines on which object the access check should be done
Public enumeration InsertLinkByPermissionLinkTypes
Defines what type of link to generate
Public enumeration InsertLinkIfWritePermissionLinkTypes
Defines what link types that can be generated