SearchResultForCategories Class Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Performs a full text index search on a Content Studio site, and writes it to the supplied stream or the default response stream. The SearchResultForCategories is the engine of the Search result for categories AS component.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: ContentStudio.Site.ActiveScripting.Search
Assembly: CS_SiteLib (in CS_SiteLib.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

public sealed class SearchResultForCategories : SearchBase

The SearchResultForCategories type exposes the following members.


Public methodSearchResultForCategories(String, Int32, FulltextSearchContainerListTypes)
Creates a new instance of the SearchResultForCategories class that writes to the default response stream.
Public methodCode exampleSearchResultForCategories(String, String, String)
Creates a new instance of the SearchResultForCategories class that writes to the default response stream If neither Categories nor Units contain anything to search, the entire site is searched.
Public methodSearchResultForCategories(Stream, String, Int32, FulltextSearchContainerListTypes)
Creates a new instance of the SearchResultForCategories class that writes to the specified stream.
Public methodCode exampleSearchResultForCategories(Stream, String, String, String)
Creates a new instance of the SearchResultForCategories class that writes to the specified stream. If neither Categories nor Units contain anything to search, the entire site is searched.

Public propertyBackwardsComponentCompatibilityMode
Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the code runs in backwards compatibility component mode. The default value is false.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public propertyColProperties
Sets or gets the collection of COL elements for the generated table. The default value is an empty string.
Public propertyComponentName
Gets the name of the component.
(Overrides ActiveScriptingBaseComponentName.)
Public propertyConformance
Gets a value which specifies which type of code a component can generate.
(Overrides ActiveScriptingBaseConformance.)
Public propertyContainerListType
Gets a value that indicates the type of container to search in. The default value is FulltextSearch.ContainerListTypes.Unit.
Public propertyCriteria
Gets the search criteria that is used.
Public propertyDateFormattingString
Sets or gets a value that indicates how DateTime values should be formatted. The default value is an empty string (using the default format of the system). For a more information on the different date format strings see the DateTimeFormatInfo class documentation.
Public propertyDisplayCreatedDate
Sets or gets a value that indicates if the Created Date column should be displayed. The default is false.
Public propertyDisplayLogicalPath
Sets or gets a value that indicates if the Logical path column should be displayed. The default is false.
Public propertyDisplayRelevance
Sets or gets a value that indicates if the column with relevance information should be displayed. The default is true.
Public propertyElementType
Gets a value which specifies the type of outer element the component generates.
(Overrides ActiveScriptingBaseElementType.)
Public propertyEncoding
Sets or gets the encoding the component uses. The default encoding is the UTF8 encoding without byte order mark.
(Inherited from ActiveScriptingBase.)
Public propertyExtendedSearchResultClassName
Sets or gets a value that contains the CSS class name of the extended search result formatting. The default is an empty string.
Public propertyHideIntroduction
Sets or gets a value that indicates if the Introduction columns should be hidden. The default is false.
Public propertyLanguageID
Gets or sets the language to use while fulltext searching.
Note Note
This property is ignored when Content Studio uses SQL Server 2000.
Public propertyLBLLeadingPageRangeText
Sets or gets the leading text to display in the paging information. The default value is an empty string.
Public propertyLBLLinkPrefix
Sets or gets link prefix text of the paging information. The default value is an empty string, which will render page numbers only.
Public propertyLBLNextPage
Sets or gets the text for next page in the paging information. The default value is a "greater than" sign (">").
Public propertyLBLNextRange
Sets or gets the text for next range in the paging information. The default value is two "greater than" signs (">>").
Public propertyLBLPrevPage
Sets or gets the text for previous page in the paging information. The default value is a "less than" sign ("<").
Public propertyLBLPrevRange
Sets or gets the text for the previous range in the paging information. The default value is two "less than" signs ("<<").
Public propertyLinkAttributes
Sets or gets the link attributes.
Public propertyLinkSep
Sets or gets a value used as link separator text. The default value is a non-breaking space (" ").
Public propertyMaxReturnSize
Sets or gets the maximum number of rows to be returned. The default value is 200.
Public propertyPageSize
Sets or gets the number of rows on each page. Setting this property to zero will list all documents on the same page. The default value is 4.
Public propertyPostMode
Sets or gets a value that indicates how posted pages should be handled. The default value is PostMode.No.
Public propertyPresentationTemplateId
Sets or gets the presentation template ID to use. The default value is zero (no presentation template is used).
Public propertyRangePosition
Sets or gets a value that indicates where the page range should be placed in relation to the generated table. The default value is RangePositions.Bottom.
Public propertyRangeSize
Sets or gets the number if page references to display in the paging information. The default value is 10
Public propertyRankAltText
Sets or gets the ALT text for ranking images. The default value is "Rank".
Public propertyResultStr0
Sets or gets the message to show if the search condition could not be evaluated. The default value is "<b>Your search criteria was too general</b>".
Public propertyResultStr1
Sets or gets the first portion of the summary text displayed if no data could be found. This value will be followed by the entered criteria. The default value is "<b>Your search for </b>".
Public propertyResultStr2
Sets or gets the end portion of the summary text if no data could be found. The default value is "<b> did not match any documents.</b>".
Public propertyResultStr3
Sets or gets the first portion of the summary text when data has been found. The default value is "<b>Search result for:</b>".
Public propertyResultStr4
Sets or gets the title of the Document column. The default value is "<b>Document</b>".
Public propertyResultStr5
Sets or gets the name of the Relevance column. The default value is "<b>Relevance</b>".
Public propertyResultStr6
Sets or gets the name of the Logical path column. The default value is "<b>Path</b>".
Public propertyResultStr7
Sets or gets the name of the date column. The default value is "<b>Date</b>".
Public propertyReturnFieldsInExtendedSearchResult
Sets or gets the names of the EPT fields to be returned in the extended search result. Use "," (comma) as a separator. The default is an empty string.
Public propertyRowColor1
Sets or gets the background color of odd numbered rows (1, 3 etc.). The default value is "#FFFFFF" (white).
Public propertyRowColor2
Sets or gets the background color of even numbered rows (2,4 etc.). The default value is "#F5F5F5" (light grey).
Public propertySearchContainers
Gets the containers that are used. This value is calculated in the object constructor.
Public propertySearchMethod
Sets or gets a value that specifies the search method to use.
Note Note
This property is ignored when Content Studio uses SQL Server 2000.
Public propertySearchOptions
Sets or gets a value that specifies special options to use during search.
Note Note
This property is ignored when Content Studio uses SQL Server 2000.
Public propertySortableColumns
Sets or gets a value that indicates if the user should be able to sort the data. The default is false.
Public propertySortOrder
Sets or gets a value that indicates how the search result should be sorted. The default value is FulltextSearch.SortOrder.Rank. This is a dynamic property that will be maintained by the component depending on the behavior of the user.
Public propertyTableAttributes
Sets or gets table attributes. The default value is an empty string.
Public propertyTableBorder
Sets or gets the table border width. The default value is zero (no border).
Public propertyTableCellPadding
Sets or gets the table cell padding. The default value is 3.
Public propertyTableCellSpacing
Sets or gets the table cell spacing. The default value is zero.
Public propertyTableClassName
Sets or gets the CLASS attribute of the generated table. The default value is an empty string, which omits the attribute.
Public propertyTableSummary
Sets or gets the SUMMARY attribute of the generated table. The default value is an empty string, which omits the attribute. Omitting this attribute causes validation warnings for XHTML 1.0 strict or higher.
Public propertyTableWidth
Sets or gets the WIDTH attribute of the generated table. The default value is "100%".
Public propertyTarget
Sets or gets the TARGET attribute for each generated link in the result set. The default is an empty string.
Public propertyUseExtendedSearchResult
Sets or gets a value that indicates if the extended search result should be used. This functionality, if available, displays a short summary of found data. The default is false.

Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInvoke
Invokes the component and writes its content into the default response stream.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)

To use this class, create an instance of this object, set up the properties and call the Invoke method with an appropriate set of parameters. This class can throw exceptions, thus your code should be wrapped within try/catch statements in order to avoid the entire page to crash. This class generates inline code, thus you must wrap it into a block element to make the page validate according to the HTML/XHTML regulations. The generated code can be made fully HTML/XHTML strict compatible. This class is sealed and cannot be inherited from.
See Also
