EPTBaseReturnQueryAsDictionary Method Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Returns a Dictionary containing query results.

Namespace: ContentStudio.Site.ActiveScripting
Assembly: CS_SiteLib (in CS_SiteLib.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

protected Dictionary<string, string>[] ReturnQueryAsDictionary(
	int categoryId,
	string filterCriteria,
	XmlIndexQueryQueryAggregate qa,
	string sortFields,
	Nullable<bool> listDrafts,
	bool ignorePublishStatus,
	bool checkForReadPermission,
	bool returnExtendedFields,
	string[] xmlFields,
	XmlIndexQueryQueryDataTypes[] dataTypes,
	bool[] returnFieldsInResult,
	bool useApplicationCache,
	int applicationCacheTimeout,
	string applicationCacheUniqueIndex,
	int rangeSize,
	int pageNo,
	int pageSize,
	out int pageCount,
	out int recordCount


Type: SystemInt32
Category id to query.
Type: SystemString
SQL filter criteria. This is the same as the where statement in sql-server, make sure all fields are surronded with []. Ex: [Country] = 'Sweden'. Can be a empty string.
Type: ContentStudio.Document.EPTXmlIndexQueryQueryAggregate
XML index query aggregate. Tells witch aggregate type to return.
Type: SystemString
SQL sort parameter. This is the same as the order by statement in sql-server, make sure all fields are surronded with []. Ex: [Lastname] ASC, [Firstname] ASC.
Type: SystemNullableBoolean
Set to true for querying drafts only. Pass null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to query against the draft or the approved content, if draft was not found. This will require readpermission on the category/documets. If this is set to false, only approved documents will be queried and only browse permission is required.
Type: SystemBoolean
If this is set to true, documents will be queried even if it is not published. This will require read permission.
Type: SystemBoolean
Determines whether the component should check permissions or not. Setting this value to false can improve performance.
Type: SystemBoolean
Returns extra information in the queryresult (filename for the XML-file).
Type: SystemString
An array of fileds to be used inte the query. Max fields number of are: XmlIndexQuery.PARAMETER_COUNT
Type: ContentStudio.Document.EPTXmlIndexQueryQueryDataTypes
Datatype for the fields specified in XMLFields.
Type: SystemBoolean
A list of fileds to be returned in the result specified in XMLFields.
Type: SystemBoolean
Determines whether the component should use the Application cache or not.
Type: SystemInt32
The time (in minutes) for the application cache to live before it is refreshed. Setting it to zero means that the application cache not is used.
Type: SystemString
A site unique name to be used with the application cache
Type: SystemInt32
This is used for icreased performance. If the range size is set to 10 than sql-server will only query max 20 pages. If this is used, the parameter RecordCount will only return max PageSize * (RangeSize * 2)
Type: SystemInt32
The page number to retreive.
Type: SystemInt32
The maximum number of page size to return.
Type: SystemInt32
This parameter will contain the number of pages
Type: SystemInt32
This parameter will contation the number of records.

Return Value

Type: DictionaryString, String
An array of dictionaries filled with the result. The key will be the same as the field name. One key that is always returned is documentid.
See Also
