Mats Halfvares, the Content Studio Development team

Published: 2015-05-22

Applies to:
  • Content Studio version 5.7 and later

Image processing in Content Studio 5.7

With the advent of all the variety of devices with different screen sizes the old fixed image scaling and processing functionality is not well suited any more. A developer today needs to be able to adjust the size of an image depending of the client's device capability. I order to address this Content Studio 5.7 introduces a new dynamic image processing functionality where the developer can control the image processing just by adding a number of parameters to the image URL. For example, to scale the image content/assets/image.jpg to a maximum of 400 x 400 pixels the developer can now add a number of query strings after the image url:
When Content Studio detects an image link with processing instructions it looks in the file system to see if any previous call has requested the exact same processed image. If that image already exists it returns the processed image and if not it creates it and returns the processed image. The processed image is cached until the original image is changed or deleted.

Image url query strings

There are two helper methods which can be used to build the parameterized image URL: BuildUrl and BuildUrl.
They both accept the image file name and image processing parameters and returns the same file name with image processing query string parameters.

Image processing parameters

Querystring name: DoProcessing
Description: The presence of this query string turns on image scaling and cropping processing
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=
Querystring name: w
Value: integer
Description: The desired maximum width in pixels of the scaled image
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&w=500
Querystring name: h
Value: integer
Description: The desired maximum height in pixels of the scaled image
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&h=640
Querystring name: c
Value: integer
Description: The compression of the scaled image
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&c=70
Querystring name: ra
Value: double or string a standard ratio value eg. 16:9
Description: The ratio of the scaled image i.e the relation between the image width and height.
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&ra=1.7778
Querystring name: pr
Value: double
Description: Indicates the device pixel ratio.
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&pr=2.4593845
Querystring name: sr
Value: Boolean (0 | 1))
Description: Determines whether to use smart resizing.
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&sr=1

Cropping parameters

By adding a combination of the cropping parameters a developer can adjust the visible area of the image. The ImageProcessingRatioCropPosition parameter can also be used to activate the automatic face detection functionality. Content Studio will then try to focus the image on a face or a group of faces in the image. You can use this functionality to improve uploaded portraits.

Querystring name: ci
Value: Four comma separated integers representing the X, Y, Width and Height values.
Description: Defines the crop area as a rectangle. This parameter overrides the ImageProcessingCropLeftQuery, ImageProcessingCropTopQuery , ImageProcessingCropRightQuery, ImageProcessingCropBottomQuery , ImageProcessingCropWidthQuery, ImageProcessingCropHeightQuery
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&ci=0, 0, 100, 248
Querystring name: l
Value: integer
Description: Defines the left position of the crop area rectangle. ImageProcessingCropInfoQuery overrides this parameter.
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&l=0
Querystring name: t
Value: integer
Description: Defines the top position of the crop area rectangle ImageProcessingCropInfoQuery overrides this parameter.
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&t=0
Querystring name: r
Value: integer
Description: Defines the right position of the crop area rectangle ImageProcessingCropInfoQuery overrides this parameter.
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&r=100
Querystring name: b
Value: integer
Description: Defines the bottom position of the crop area rectangle ImageProcessingCropInfoQuery overrides this parameter.
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&b=248
Querystring name: cw
Value: integer
Description: Defines the width of the crop area rectangle. Overrides the ImageProcessingCropRightQuery ImageProcessingCropInfoQuery overrides this parameter.
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&r=100
Querystring name: ch
Value: integer
Description: Defines the height of the crop area rectangle. Overrides the ImageProcessingCropBottomQuery ImageProcessingCropInfoQuery overrides this parameter.
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&b=248
Querystring name: rp
Value: Enum - one of None | Left | Right | Bottom | Center | Faces | SingleFace
Description: Determines the ratio crop position
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&rp=Bottom
Querystring name: sr
Value: Two comma separated integers representing the X and Y values
Description: Determines the crop area center point
Usage: /image.jpg?DoProcessing=&sr=10, 24



See also

GetProcessedImage metod