CategoryReaderGetItem Method (ConnectionId, SessionId, CategoryId) Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Returns detailed information about a category.

Namespace: ContentStudio.Document
Assembly: CSServer5 (in CSServer5.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

public string GetItem(
	ConnectionId connectionId,
	SessionId sessionId,
	CategoryId categoryId


Type: ContentStudioConnectionId
A value that identifies the web site
Type: ContentStudio.SecuritySessionId
A value that identifies the user's session. This value usually originates from a call to OpenSession(ConnectionId).
Type: ContentStudio.DocumentCategoryId
An identifier to to the category to get details for

Return Value

Type: String
       <documenttype>integer flag value</documenttype>
       <categoryname>string value</categoryname>
       <modulename>string value</modulename>
       <statusint>integer flag value</statusint>
       <bodyproperties>string value</bodyproperties>
       <fullname>string value</fullname>
       <plaintext>bit value</plaintext>
       <nometadata>bit value</nometadata>
       <searchable>bit value</searchable>
       <statustext>bit value</statustext>
       <hashistory>bit value</hashistory>
       <unitid>integer value</unitid>
       <startid>integer value</startid>
       <edittemplateid>integer value</edittemplateid>
       <defaultcacheduration>integer value</defaultcacheduration>
       <ownerid>integer value</ownerid>
       <owner>integer value</owner>
       <presentationtemplateid>integer value</presentationtemplateid>
       <defaultformid>integer value</defaultformid>
       <ispresentationtemplate>integer value</ispresentationtemplate>
       <isedittemplate>integer value</isedittemplate>
       <userpermission>integer flag value</userpermission>
       <parentcategoryid>integer value</parentcategoryid>
       <mlcstatus>integer flag value</mlcstatus>
       <fullpath>string value</fullpath>
       <description>string value</description>
       <documentcounter>integer value</documentcounter>
       <isenabledforpdf>bit value</isenabledforpdf>
       <guoid>string value</guoid>
       <serversidevalidation>bit value</serversidevalidation>
       <usemetasecurity>bit value</usemetasecurity>
       <customviewurl>string value</customviewurl>
       <!-- these fields was added in Content Studio 5.1-->
       <allowedfiletypes>string value</allowedfiletypes>
       <maxcontentsize>integer value</maxcontentsize>
       <!-- these fields was added in Content Studio 5.2-->
       <documentfilenamingconvention>integer value</documentfilenamingconvention>
       <categoryid>integer value</categoryid>
root/cs_category/documenttype The type of document that this category can contain. For more information see the DocumentTypes enumeration.  
root/cs_category/categorynameThe name of the category 
root/cs_category/modulenameAn internal value that defines the type of categoryThe table below lists the supported value for ModuleName.
ActiveScriptingThe category contains AS-components.
DokumentThe category contains regular documents, with or without meta data.
EditTemplateThe category contains Editing templates.
FilThe category contains uploaded files
FormatmallThe category contains templates (for fragments of a page).
HelsidesmallThe category contains document templates.
PresentationTemplateThe category contains presentation templates.
XMLDocumentThe category contains EPT documents.
root/cs_category/statusintThe status of the category. This is a value used internal only. The status has been interpreted as returned field such as plaintext and nometadata.This field is omitted if the caller has readpermissions only.
root/cs_category/bodypropertiesThe content of the body tag of the generated document. 
root/cs_category/fullnameNot used.This field is always empty.
root/cs_category/plaintextA value that indicates whether the category is for plain text documents only 
root/cs_category/nometadata>A value that indicates whether the category contains documents that does not have auto generated meta data 
root/cs_category/searchableA value that indicates whether the category is enabled for full text searchThis field is omitted if the caller has read permissions only.
root/cs_category/statustextdescriptionThis field is omitted if the caller has read permissions only.
root/cs_category/hashistoryA value that indicates whether the category uses versioning support. 
root/cs_category/unitidThe identifier of the unit where the category exists.A category is always connected to a unit regardless of its structure depth.
root/cs_category/startidAn identifier of a document that acts as the default document for this category 
root/cs_category/edittemplateidThe id of the editing template to use.This value is relevant for EPT documents categories only.
root/cs_category/defaultcachedurationNot used in CS 5.This field is omitted if the caller has readpermissions only.
root/cs_category/owneriddescriptionThis field is omitted if the caller has readpermissions only.
root/cs_category/ownerdescriptionThis field is omitted if the caller has readpermissions only.
root/cs_category/presentationtemplateidDefines the default presentation template to use.This value is relevant for EPT documents categories only.
root/cs_category/defaultformidA template document that acts as the template for HTML document in the category.This value is zero if no template is used.
root/cs_category/ispresentationtemplateA value that indicates whether the category contains presentation templates. Only presentation template categories can have this value set. 
root/cs_category/isedittemplateA value that indicates whether the category contains editing templates. Only editing template categories can have this value set. 
root/cs_category/userpermissionAn access mask flag value that defines the caller's permission. 
root/cs_category/parentcategoryidThe id of the parent category.This value is equal to the categoryid field value for root categories.
root/cs_category/mlcstatusA flag value that indicate the MLC status of the category This value can be either zero which indicates that the category is no an MLC member or a combination of the following flags values.
  • 0x1 - Master category
  • 0x2 - Member category
  • 0x4 - A connected object exists (for master categories only)
root/cs_category/fullpathThe relative url path of the category 
root/cs_category/descriptionA brief optional description of the category 
root/cs_category/documentcounterIndicates an incremental counter of documents in the category.This value does not reflect the number of documents in the category - it should be seen as a value that indicates how many documents that have ever been created in the category.
root/cs_category/isenabledforpdfA value that indicates whether the category is enabled for use with the PDF server 
root/cs_category/guoidThe global unique identifier of this category.This mainly value is used for the advanced copying functionality.
root/cs_category/serversidevalidationA value that indicates whether the an EPT document should validate the content of its field before saving.This value is relevant for EPT documents categories only.
root/cs_category/usemetasecurityA value that indicates whether the category uses meta securityThis value is relevant for EPT documents categories only.
root/cs_category/customviewurlA URL to a document that will be displayed instead of the regular document list in the administrative interface.This value must be a valid source for the web browser.
root/cs_category/allowedfiletypesA comma delimited list of file extensions that can be used for document filenames in this category.An empty string denies all file types, .* allows any file type.
root/cs_category/maxcontentsizeA value that indicates the maximum allowed size (in bytes) of the content to save.Zero means that Content Studio does not check the size of the content saved.
root/cs_category/documentfilenamingconventionA value that dictates how document filenames are determined.This field is new in CS 5.2 and can have one of the following integer values.
  • 0 - Content Studio generates a file name based on a Guid. This is the old behavior.
  • 1 - The file name is the same as the document name (title).
  • 2 - The file name must be supplied.
The values of this member is determined in the FolderBaseDocumentFileNamingConvention enumeration.
root/cs_category/categoryidA value that indicates the identifier of the category.This field is new in CS 5.2.

SqlExceptionAn error occurred when executing the command against the Content Studio database
CSInvalidSessionExceptionThe session is invalid.
Content Studio permissions

No permission is required to read the information. However if the caller does not have the READ_CONTAINER permission only a subset of the list returned. This method supports anonymous calls.
See Also
