CategoryManagerSaveImageProcessingData Method (ConnectionId, SessionId, CategoryId, CategoryManagerImageProcessingLevels, CategoryManagerImageProcessingAlgoritm, CategoryManagerImageProcessingAlgoritm, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Saves the image processing data to a category that can use image processing.

Namespace: ContentStudio.Document
Assembly: CSServer5 (in CSServer5.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

public void SaveImageProcessingData(
	ConnectionId connectionId,
	SessionId sessionId,
	CategoryId categoryId,
	CategoryManagerImageProcessingLevels imageProcessLevel,
	CategoryManagerImageProcessingAlgoritm normalizedAlgoritm,
	CategoryManagerImageProcessingAlgoritm thumbnailAlgoritm,
	bool useNormalizedScaling,
	int maxNormalizedWidth,
	int maxNormalizedHeight,
	int maxThumbnailWidth,
	int maxThumbnailHeight,
	int normalizedQuality,
	int thumbnailQuality,
	int normalizedSharpeningIntensity,
	int thumbnailSharpeningIntensity,
	int normalizedSharpeningWindow,
	int thumbnailSharpeningWindow,
	bool useSmartResizingNormal,
	bool useSmartResizingThumb


Type: ContentStudioConnectionId
A value that identifies the web site
Type: ContentStudio.SecuritySessionId
A value that identifies the user's session. This value usually originates from a call to OpenSession(ConnectionId).
Type: ContentStudio.DocumentCategoryId
The category to save image processing data for
Type: ContentStudio.DocumentCategoryManagerImageProcessingLevels
One of the CategoryManagerImageProcessingLevels members that regulates how and if image processing should be performed.
Type: ContentStudio.DocumentCategoryManagerImageProcessingAlgoritm
Defines one of the algorithms to use when normalizing the image.
Type: ContentStudio.DocumentCategoryManagerImageProcessingAlgoritm
Defines one of the algorithms to use when generation the thumbnail.
Type: SystemBoolean
Set to true to use normalized scaling for the web normalized version. Normalized scaling is always used with thumbnails.
Type: SystemInt32
The maximum allowed width (in pixels) of the normalized image. This value must be between 10 and 9999 but can be set to -1 to use the default value.
Type: SystemInt32
The maximum allowed height (in pixels) of the normalized image This value must be between 10 and 9999 but can be set to -1 to use the default value.
Type: SystemInt32
The maximum allowed width (in pixels) of the thumbnail image. This value must be between 10 and 9999 but can be set to -1 to use the default value.
Type: SystemInt32
The maximum allowed height (in pixels) of the thumbnail image.This value must be between 10 and 9999 but can be set to -1 to use the default value.
Type: SystemInt32
The quality of the normalized image. Quality must be between 1 and 100, however the value can be set to -1 to use the default value.
Type: SystemInt32
The quality of the thumbnail image. Quality must be between 1 and 100, however the value can be set to -1 to use the default value.
Type: SystemInt32
The sharpening intensity to use for the normalized image. This value must be between 1 and 100, however the value can be set to -1 to use the default value.
Type: SystemInt32
The sharpening intensity to use for the thumbnail image. This value must be between 1 and 100, however the value can be set to -1 to use the default value.
Type: SystemInt32
The sharpening window for the normalized image. This value must be an even value between 0 and 36, however the value can be set to -1 to use the default value.
Type: SystemInt32
>The sharpening window for the thumbnail image. This value must be an even value between 0 and 36, however the value can be set to -1 to use the default value.
Type: SystemBoolean
Set to true if the image processing should use smart resizing for the normalized image.
Type: SystemBoolean
Set to true if the image processing should use smart resizing for the thumbnail image.

CSExceptionA business rule was violated in the underlying Content Studio database
SqlExceptionAn error occurred when executing the command against the Content Studio database
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionA value was passed in that lies outside of the acceptable data range.
ArgumentExceptionA value was passed in that has an invalid value.
Content Studio permissions

Write container permission on the category is required to update any of these values.
See Also
