CSXmlParser Methods Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The CSXmlParser type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Add(String)
Adds a new named parameter.
Public method Add(String, String)
Adds a new named parameter.
Public method Clear
Removes all parameters.
Public method Contains
Checks whether a certain parameter exists
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetParameter(String)
Gets the value of a parameter as a string
Public method GetParameter(String, String)
Gets the value of a parameter
Public method GetParameterAsBoolean(String)
Returns a parameter as an integer. The value must be possible to convert to boolean. Valid value pairs are true/false, 1/0, yes/no or on/off.
Public method GetParameterAsBoolean(String, Boolean)
Returns a parameter as an integer. The value must be possible to convert to boolean. Valid value pairs are true/false, 1/0, yes/no or on/off.
Public method GetParameterAsBooleanArray
Returns an array of Boolean values that are stored as a separated value strings in the parameter.
Public method GetParameterAsCSFileObjectType(String)
Returns a parameter as a CSFileObjectTypes enumeration. The value must be possible to convert to this data type from its string representation.
Public method GetParameterAsCSFileObjectType(String, CSFileObjectTypes)
Returns a parameter as a CSFileObjectTypes enumeration. The value must be possible to convert to this data type from its string representation.
Public method GetParameterAsCSSecurableObjects(String)
Returns a parameter as a CSSecurableObjects type
Public method GetParameterAsCSSecurableObjects(String, CSSecurableObjects)
Returns a parameter as a CSSecurableObjects type
Public method GetParameterAsDateTime(String)
Returns a parameter as a DateTime. The value must be possible to convert to a DateTime.
Public method GetParameterAsDateTime(String, DateTime)
Returns a parameter as a DateTime. The value must be possible to convert to a DateTime.
Public method GetParameterAsDateTimeArray
Returns an array of strings that are stored as a separated value strings in the parameter.
Public method GetParameterAsInt32(String)
Returns a parameter as an integer. The value must be possible to convert to an integer.
Public method GetParameterAsInt32(String, Int32)
Returns a parameter as an integer. The value must be possible to convert to an integer.
Public method GetParameterAsInt32Array
Returns an array of Int32 values that are stored as a separated value strings in the parameter.
Public method GetParameterAsStringArray
Returns an array of strings that are stored as a separator separated value string in the parameter.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Remove
Removes a named parameter.
Public method ToString
Returns the CSXml represented by the object as as string. Parameters with null values are omitted.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public method ToString(Encoding)
Returns the CSXml represented by the object as as string. Parameters with null values are omitted.
See Also
