SettingManagerSettingValue Method (ConnectionId, SessionId, String, Type) Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Returns the value of a global Content Studio setting as a certain data type.

Namespace: ContentStudio
Assembly: CSServer5 (in CSServer5.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

public Object SettingValue(
	ConnectionId connectionId,
	SessionId sessionId,
	string settingName,
	Type returnAsType


Type: ContentStudioConnectionId
A value that identifies the web site
Type: ContentStudio.SecuritySessionId
A value that identifies the user's session. This value usually originates from a call to OpenSession(ConnectionId).
Type: SystemString
The name of the setting to return. The length of this value may not exceed MAX_SETTING_NAME.
Type: SystemType
The type of data to return. Can be string, by the integer data types, string or boolean

Return Value

Type: Object
The value of the setting. The caller must cast this value to the desired data type

CSInvalidParameterExceptionThe type specified in returnAsType is not supported.
InvalidCastExceptionThe setting value cannot be converted to the type specified in returnAsType.
SqlExceptionAn error occurred when executing the command against the Content Studio database
Content Studio permissions

READ permission on the setting is required.

The following well-known settings are recognized
AdminURLNoThe full URL of the admin site. Normally modified from the SiteContentManager tool.
Anonymous_AccountNoIIS Anonymous user account. Empty string to have CS to ask the IIS metabase. Normally modified from the SiteContentManager tool.
CharacterSetYesCharacterSet used on the site. This value can be overridden on any level below.
DB_SessionTimeOutNo Sets the time (in) minutes how long a user session is valid without activity. Default value is 60 and values less than 10 is ignored. Normally there is no need to to modify this value.
Default_SMTP_ServerNoSpecifies the default SMTP server used by this installation.
DelegateMasterUrlNoUsed for master-slave server synchronization only. Setting for anonymous delegation of http-requests to admin. Here you can type an internal admin url.
DisplaySiteUrlDataNoControls when Content Studio web pages displays url information in client side scripts code. Values can be
  • 0 = always regardless the url (default)
  • 1 = always for matching urls
  • 2 = display for authenticated users only and url matching
  • 3 = Only in the administrative interface.
DocNotFoundIdNoRedirect to this document when a user navigates to a document that does not exist.
DocNotPublishedIdNoRedirect to this document when a user navigates to a document that is not published.
EmailYesThe email address of Content Studio support, currently not used.
EmptyFileContentNoA default value to insert into a ASPX-file that not yet has been approved.
File_PathYesPhysical path of file storage. Can only be modified from the SiteContentManager tool.
MultiHomedAdminUrlNoFor sites using more than one site url, empty otherwise. Add one or more urls separated by a semicolon (;). The ordering must be the same as the corresponding MultiHomedSiteUrl setting. Requires multi site mode.If you wish that one of the addresses should not use an admin url add an semicolon as a place-holder.
MultiHomedSiteUrlNoFor sites using more than one site url, empty otherwise. Add one or more urls separated by a semicolon (;). The ordering must be the same as the corresponding MultiHomedAdminUrl setting. Requires multi site mode.
QueryStringPrefixNoTells witch prefix that should be used in querystring to reference document id.
TreeCategoryListNoA list of comma separated category id:s. This setting in combination with TreeDocId is used to force users to only choose between this set of categories when users creates a new document in the hierarchy.
TreeDocIdNoDocument root tree id. In this setting you can type the root document id for the site document hierarchy. This will enable switching to a tree view in the folder structure.
UseDelegateRequestNoRegulates anonymous delegation of http-requests. This is used for external web-objects and anonymous access in document writer 4.0.
  • 0 = UseDelegateRequestNever
  • 1 = UseDelegateRequestAllExceptAdmin
  • 2 = UseDelegateRequestAll
HideFullTextNoThe value 1 hides the button that allows an administrator to manage CS fulltext index. This will be enabled if fulltext is installed and enable for the database.
IgnoreFullTextFieldsNo This setting can contain a comma separated list of EPT fields that will not be full text indexed. An asterisk (*) can be used as a wild-chard at the end or at the start of each field.
InfoURLNo URL to application information site or document.
IE_StyleNoRelative or absolute path and filename of the style sheet used by Internet Explorer.
LanguageNoAdmin application language
Max_UserLogInEntriesNoSets the number of user login entries that are saved in the system. 0 is unlimited.
Max_WFLogEntriesNoThe number of entries in the workflow log before the log wraps around. Values below 100 means no wrap around.
MetaDataNo Global meta data for the entire site. This info will be included in every content.
MaxHistoryNoThe number of history entrances stored for each user. 0 means no limit.
PDF_ServerInstalledNoSpecifies that this site is enabled for background generation. Set this setting to 1 only if there is a Content Studio PDF service installed and licensed to use with this site.
RevisionDemandedNoSet to 1 if a document must be sent for revision before it can be approved. This setting is not relevant for categories when Workflow is in use.
SiteURLNoThe full URL of the main site. Normally modified from the SiteContentManager tool.
StartIDNoDefault start page id. Determines the document to display when the visitor only specifies a path.
SupportURLYesURL to support site.
SyncExtUserPropsNoIndicates that Content Studio should synchronize extended user properties such as fax and telephone numbers from Active Directory.
WebNameNoName of web
See Also
