CSApplication Methods Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The CSApplication type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CreateObjRef (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Code example FetchInfo
Returns a configurable collection of information about this instance of Content Studio
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetDbSizeInformation
Gets the size of the current Content Studio database.
Public method GetDocumentStatistics
Gets the document statistics for a specific web site. This statistic includes the
  • The total number of documents.
  • The number of published (live) documents.
  • The number of archived documents.
  • The number of not published documents (including the ones in the recycling bin).
  • The number of not classified documents
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetLifetimeService (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method GetMEUIStructure
Gets information about the structure of subfolders and their files in the Content Studio Modern Editor User Interface application.

This method was added in Content Studio version 5.7.

Public method GetNamedMEUIResource
Gets a named file resource of a Content Studio server Modern User Interface installation.

This method was added in Content Studio version 5.7.

Public method GetNamedServerResource
Gets a named file resource of a Content Studio server installation.

This method was added in Content Studio version 5.3.

Public method GetNamedSiteResource
Gets a named file resource of a Content Studio web site.

This method was added in Content Studio version 5.3.

Public method GetServerResource
Gets a specific Content Studio server resource.

This method was added in Content Studio version 5.3.

Public method GetServerStructure
Gets information about the structure of subfolders and their files in the Content Studio server application.

This method was added in Content Studio version 5.3.

Public method GetSiteStructure
Gets information about the structure of subfolders and their files in a Content Studio site, for example the ~js folder that contains global script files - or the string representation of the XmlSchema that describes the returned xml. The method returns information about folders, subfolder and files that are not stored within Content Studio and for that reason cannot be obtained with any of the regular API:s.

This method was added in Content Studio version 5.3.

Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method InitializeLifetimeService (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method IsAlive
Returns true on calls. This method can be used for communication tests.
Public method IsSlaveInstallMode
Returns true if this CS installation is in the slave mode.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone(Boolean) (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method RestartSite(ConnectionId, SessionId)
Restarts the website.
Public method RestartSite(ConnectionId, SessionId, Int32, String)
Restarts the website.
Public method SimpleSiteList
Returns a simple list of sites registered on the server. This list only contains the ConnectionId and is intended for the Service Manager only.
Public method SiteList
Gets a list of all sites registered in certain installation of Content Studio
Public method Code example SiteList(Boolean)
Gets a list of all sites registered in certain installation of Content Studio.
Public method SiteListStream
Gets a list of all sites registered in certain installation of Content Studio. The returned stream can be used as input to an XmlTextReader or an XmlDocument.
Public method Code example SiteListStream(Boolean)
Gets a list of all sites registered in certain installation of Content Studio. The returned stream can be used as input to an XmlTextReader or an XMLDocument.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method TranslateMessage(Int32, CSApplicationSupportedLanguages)
Translates a Content Studio message id to its textual representation in a certain language.
Public method TranslateMessage(CSException, CSApplicationSupportedLanguages)
Translates a Content Studio message id to its textual representation in a certain language.
Public method TranslateMessage(Int32, CSApplicationSupportedLanguages, String)
Translates a Content Studio message id to its textual representation in a certain language.
Public method TranslateMessage(String, Int32, String)
Translates a Content Studio message id to its textual representation in a certain language.
Public method TranslateMessage(Int32, CSApplicationSupportedLanguages, Int32, String)
Translates a Content Studio message id to its textual representation in a certain language.
Public method TranslateMessage(CSException, CSApplicationSupportedLanguages, Int32, String)
Translates a Content Studio message id to its textual representation in a certain language.
Public method TranslateMessage(Int32, CSApplicationSupportedLanguages, String, Int32, String)
Translates a Content Studio message id to its textual representation in a certain language.
See Also
