WebMapAZWriteOverview Method Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Writes the overview part of the web map. This method is called via the Invoke method. Inheriting classes can override this method to supply their own rendering code

Namespace: ContentStudio.Site.ActiveScripting.Menu
Assembly: CS_SiteLib (in CS_SiteLib.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

protected virtual void WriteOverview(
	TextWriter writer,
	string[] source,
	StringComparer stringComparer


Type: System.IOTextWriter
A TextWriter to write HTML content to
Type: SystemString
The entities that form the web map. Each member in the array is a string with the document name and the its ID separated by a pipe (|) character (example: "My document|1278")
Type: SystemStringComparer
A StringComparer object used when sorting the source data.

This is the standard implementation of the WriteOverview method provided by Content Studio.

protected virtual void WriteOverview(System.IO.StreamWriter Writer, string[] Source, StringComparer StringCo)
    //Create the skip to content link
    if (CSSPrefix.Length > 0)
        WriteAttribute(Writer, " class", (_CSSPrefix + "_Index"));
    Writer.Write(">" + Environment.NewLine);
    if (_SkipLinkText.Length > 0)
        Writer.Write("  <li");
        if (CSSPrefix.Length > 0)
            WriteAttribute(Writer, " class", _CSSPrefix + "_SkipLink");
        Writer.Write(">" + Environment.NewLine);
        Writer.Write("   <a");
        WriteAttribute(Writer, " href", "#CS_WebMapSkipLink" + _ComponentCount.ToString());
        Writer.Write("</a>" + Environment.NewLine);
        Writer.Write(" </li>" + Environment.NewLine);

    //create a series of links to navigate to each letter section, one item for each unique first letter
    //found among the document titles.
    string OldChar = " ";
    for (int i = 0; i < Source.Length; i++)
        if (Source[i].Length > 0)
            int linePos = Source[i].IndexOf("|") + 1;
            if (linePos > 0)
                //Data: Name of document|2392
                string CurrentChar = Source[i].Substring(0, (Source[i].IndexOf("|") + 1) - 1).Trim();
                if ((OldChar.Length > 0) && (StringCo.Compare(CurrentChar.Substring(0, 1), OldChar.Substring(0, 1)) != 0))
                    Writer.Write(" <li>" + Environment.NewLine);
                    Writer.Write("   <a");
                    WriteAttribute(Writer, " href", "#" + CreateCharIndex(CurrentChar) + _ComponentCount.ToString());
                    WriteAttribute(Writer, " title", CurrentChar.Substring(0, 1));
                    Writer.Write(CurrentChar.Substring(0, 1));
                    Writer.Write("</a>" + Environment.NewLine);
                    Writer.Write(" </li>" + Environment.NewLine);
                OldChar = CurrentChar.Substring(0, 1);

    Writer.Write("</ul>" + Environment.NewLine);

private string CreateCharIndex(string sData)
   sData = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sData.Substring(0, 1));
   //* Take the string "charIndex", 
   //* Add the sData after you have removed all occurences of the & # and ; characters 
   //* Finally return the result.
   return "charIndex" + (sData.Replace("&", "").Replace("#", "").Replace(";", ""));
See Also
