CSSecurityDescriptor Class Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

This class represents a Content Studio security descriptor.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: ContentStudio.Security.AccessControlEdit
Assembly: CSServer5 (in CSServer5.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

public sealed class CSSecurityDescriptor : CSGenericSecurityDescriptor

The CSSecurityDescriptor type exposes the following members.


Public methodCSSecurityDescriptor
Creates a new instance of the CSSecurityDescriptor class using Xml retrieved from Content Studio.

Public propertyControlFlags
Gets the controlflags in the security descriptor.
(Inherited from CSGenericSecurityDescriptor.)
Public propertyDACLProtected
Get as value that indicates whether the object this security descriptor's discretionary access control list is protected from receiving inheritable permissions from its parent object or not. To set this property use the AccessControl.SetObjectSecurity method.
Public propertyDiscretionaryAccessControlList
Gets a CSDiscretionaryAccessControlList that represents the discretionary access control list in a Content Studio security descriptor.
Public propertyIsContainer
Get as value that indicates whether the object this security descriptor belongs to is a container for other objects or not.
(Inherited from CSGenericSecurityDescriptor.)
Public propertyIsFileSystemObject
Gets a value indicating whether this security descriptor represents file system object.
(Inherited from CSGenericSecurityDescriptor.)
Public propertyObjectId
Gets the identifier of the securable object that this security descriptor belongs to.
(Inherited from CSGenericSecurityDescriptor.)
Public propertyObjectName
Get the name of the object that this security descriptor belongs to.
(Inherited from CSGenericSecurityDescriptor.)
Public propertyObjectType
Gets the type of object that this security descriptor belongs to.
(Inherited from CSGenericSecurityDescriptor.)
Public propertyOwner
Gets SecurityIdentifier object that indicates the owner of the object that this security descriptor belongs to. To set this flag use the AccessControl.SetObjectSecurity method.
(Inherited from CSGenericSecurityDescriptor.)
Public propertyOwnerName
Gets the name of the owner of this security descriptor.
(Inherited from CSGenericSecurityDescriptor.)
Public propertySecurityDescriptorId
Gets the internal Content Studio identifier of the security descriptor.
(Inherited from CSGenericSecurityDescriptor.)
Public propertyTreeId
Gets the identifier of the topmost parent securable object that this security descriptor belongs to.
(Inherited from CSGenericSecurityDescriptor.)

Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWriteXml
Writes the Xml representation of this object to the supplied XmlWriter.
(Overrides CSGenericSecurityDescriptorWriteXml(XmlWriter).)

This class is used to read, edit and save security information for any type of securable object in Content Studio.

The following code shows how to set permissions to a Content Studio object (error handling is omitted in this example).
Observe how the well-known group Everyone is created in the sample. Never rely on the name of any well-known principal; those names are localized and differ between different language versions of the operating system.

using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using ContentStudio;
using ContentStudio.Security;
using ContentStudio.Security.AccessControlEdit;

public class TheClass
    public void Main()
        const int CONNECTION_ID = 1;
        //Create a new session.
        SessionManager sman = new SessionManager();
        int SessionID = sman.OpenSession(CONNECTION_ID);
        ContentStudio.Security.AccessControl acc = new AccessControl();
        //Get the security descriptor on document id 2558.
        string sd = acc.GetObjectSecurity(CONNECTION_ID,
        Use the ContentStudio.Security.AccessControlEdit.CSSecurityDescriptor object.
        This object is not executed over remoting.
        CSSecurityDescriptor secDesc = new CSSecurityDescriptor(sd);
        Add two new permission entries with the AddAccess method on the DiscretionaryAccessControlList
        of the CSSecurityDescriptor object.  Let's use Everyone - read, and CONTENTSTUDIO\Editors - modify.
        SecurityIdentifier SID = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null);
                                                         CSObjectPermissions.Read ,
        const CSObjectPermissions MODIFY = CSObjectPermissions.Write | 
                                           CSObjectPermissions.Create | 
                                           CSObjectPermissions.Read | 
        A SecurityIdentifier can also be created if you have the user name in the 
        format Domain\Username or the UPN-format (e.g. Editors@contentstudio.com).
        NTAccount ntac = new NTAccount("CONTENTSTUDIO\\Editors");
        //Translate to a SecurityIdentifier
        SID = (SecurityIdentifier)ntac.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
        //Get the the security descriptor in the Xml format.
        StringBuilder sbu = new StringBuilder();
        XmlWriter XWriter = XmlWriter.Create(sbu);
        sd = sbu.ToString();
        //Save the security back to the object that provided it.
        acc.SetObjectSecurity(CONNECTION_ID, SessionID, AccessControl.SecurityInfoClass.DACL, sd);
See Also
