NotificationReaderGetNotifications Method (ConnectionId, SessionId, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String) Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Returns a list of notifications for the calling user

Namespace: ContentStudio.Notifications
Assembly: CSServer5 (in CSServer5.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

public string GetNotifications(
	ConnectionId connectionId,
	SessionId sessionId,
	string xmlParameterData,
	ref int pageNumber,
	int pageSize,
	out int pageCount,
	out int recordCount,
	out int status,
	out string statusText


Type: ContentStudioConnectionId
A value that identifies the web site
Type: ContentStudio.SecuritySessionId
A value that identifies the user's session. This value usually originates from a call to OpenSession(ConnectionId).
Type: SystemString
XML that contains the parameters that this call uses. This XML is according to the Content Studio parameters XML schema
Type: SystemInt32
The page number to read. If this value is less than 1 PageNumber will be 1. After the call this parameter will be updated with the actual page number. This value can be changed if the CurrentID parameter was defined.
Type: SystemInt32
The size of the pages to read. If this parameter is less than 1 pageSize will be 10.
Type: SystemInt32
The total pages of data found
Type: SystemInt32
The total entries found
Type: SystemInt32
An integer indicating result of the call. Zero is success.
Type: SystemString
The textual representation of the call result.

Return Value

Type: String
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    >sender<Content Studioruntime>/sender<
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CSExceptionA business rule was violated in the underlying Content Studio database
CSPermissionDeniedExceptionThe caller has no permission to perform the requested action
CSInvalidSessionExceptionA parameter has an invalid value
CSInvalidParameterExceptionThe session is invalid
SqlExceptionAn error occurred when executing the command against the Content Studio database
Content Studio permissions

READ permission on the user's mailbox is required. This permission is normally limited to the user self and to administrators. Additionally the sender has permission to list her sent items.

This is the backwards compatible implementation of this method. This implementation does not throw any exceptions, instead callers must examine the outcome of the call in the Status and StatusText output parameters.
See Also
