MLCGetMembers Method (ConnectionId, SessionId, CategoryId) Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

List all members categories in a multi language cluster - MLC.

Namespace: ContentStudio.Document.MLC
Assembly: CSServer5 (in CSServer5.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

public string GetMembers(
	ConnectionId connectionId,
	SessionId sessionId,
	CategoryId categoryId


Type: ContentStudioConnectionId
A value that identifies the web site
Type: ContentStudio.SecuritySessionId
A value that identifies the user's session. This value usually originates from a call to OpenSession(ConnectionId).
Type: ContentStudio.DocumentCategoryId
A category that belongs to an MLC.

Return Value

Type: String
Xml with the following sample syntax
    <member master="1" categoryid="527" categoryname="Svenska EPT-Dokument" pathname="MLC/Svenska EPT-Dokument" modulename="XMLDocument" languageid="1053" languagename="Swedish - Sweden" languagecode="sv" relateddocuments="0" />
    <!-- more member elements can follow -->
root/statusinteger0 - indicating success
root/statustextstring"Success" - indicating success
root/member@masterbit (0 / 1)1 when the member category is MLC master; otherwise, 0
root/member@categoryidintegerThe identifier of the member category
root/member@categorynamestringthe name of the member category
root/member@pathnamestringthe name, including its path, of the member category
root/member@modulenamestringthe modulename. Used internally to determine the type of containing documents.
root/member@languageidintthe identifier of the MLC language. For more information seeMLC language codes and identifiers
root/member@languagenamestringthe name of the member's MLC language. For more information seeMLC language codes and identifiers
root/member@languagecodestringthe code of the member's MLC language. For more information seeMLC language codes and identifiers
root/member@relateddocumentsbit (0 / 1)1 when MLC member documents exist in the member category; otherwise, 0

CSExceptionA business rule was violated in the underlying Content Studio database
  • 1001 - - The SessionID is invalid.
  • 1002 - - Permission denied.
  • 1503 - - The category does not exist.
  • 1554 - - The category is not an MLC member.
  • 1555 - - The MLC master could not be located.
SqlExceptionAn error occurred when executing the command against the Content Studio database
Content Studio permissions

Read or browse permission on the MLC master is required and anonymous calls are supported. However, the properties CategoryName, ModuleName and PathName will be empty unless the caller has Read permission.
See Also
