EventActionQueueGetListPageable Method Content Studio 5.7 SDK
Content Studio Web Content Management System

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Gets the a pageable list of jobs in the event actions queue.

Namespace: ContentStudio.EventActions
Assembly: CSServer5 (in CSServer5.dll) Version: 5.7.5016.0 (5.7.5016.0)

public string GetListPageable(
	ConnectionId connectionId,
	SessionId sessionId,
	Nullable<CategoryId> categoryId,
	ServiceManagerJobStatusValue[] filter,
	int pageNumber,
	int pageSize


Type: ContentStudioConnectionId
A value that identifies the web site
Type: ContentStudio.SecuritySessionId
A value that identifies the user's session. This value typically is retrieved from a call to the OpenSession method
Type: SystemNullableCategoryId
Specifies a category identifier where the jobs are generated from. This value must be an existing category or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to read the queue for all categories.
Type: ContentStudio.EventActionsServiceManagerJobStatusValue
An array of JobStatusValue members that specifies a filter that determines what jobs to return in the list. Only jobs that have the statuses included in the list is returned and a value should only occur once. This parameter can be null (Nothing in Visual Basic) or an empty array to return all jobs.
Type: SystemInt32
The page number to read. If this value is less than 1 a ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown.
Type: SystemInt32
The size of the pages to read. To read all records in one page, set this parameter to 0 (zero). If this parameter is negative a ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown.

Return Value

Type: String

Xml with the following syntax:

  <pageno>Integer value</pageno>  
  <pagesize>Integer value</pagesize>  
  <pagecount>Integer value</pagecount>  
  <recordcount>Integer value</recordcount>  
    <row recordnumber="Integer value" 
         jobid="Intger value" 
         threadid="Integer value" 
         eventid="Integer value" 
         eventtext="String value" 
         categoryid="Integer value"
         categoryname="String value"
         jobclass="Integer value" 
         jobclasstext="String value" 
         status="Integer value" 
         statustext="String value" 
         error="Intger value"
         errortext="String value"
         startindex="Integer value"
         currentindex="Integer value"
         lastindex="Integer value"
         runafter="Date time value"
         created="Date time value"
         assigned="Date time value"
         modified="Date time value"
         duration="Time value"/>
    <!-- more row element follows -->

The returned data in the xml has the following meaning

Xml content
root/status-The outcome of the call, always 0 - success
root/statustext- The textual representation of the outcome, always Success
root/pagenumber- The index (first page is 1) of the data page shown. This value reflects the value passed in the pageSize parameter
root/pagesize- The size of the data page. This value reflects the value passed in the pageSize parameter.
root/pagecount-The number of data pages found.
root/recordcount-The number of records found.
root/rows-Acts as a root element for all found data rows
root/rows/row-represents a found data row
root/rows/rowrecordnumberThe ordinal number of the found data row
root/rows/rowjobidThe internal job identifier
root/rows/rowthreadid A value that identifies the internal identifier of the execution thread that processes the job.
root/rows/roweventidAn integer that indicates the type of event that this job represents.
root/rows/roweventtextThe textual representation of the type of event that this job represents.

The following events are supported.

  • OnXMLIndexChange = 3
  • OnDocumentApprove = 4
  • OnDocumentDelete = 5
  • OnDocumentDestroy = 6
  • OnDocumentExpire = 7
  • OnDocumentPublish = 8
  • OnDocumentReject = 9
  • OnDocumentRevision = 10
  • OnDocumentSave = 11
  • OnDocumentCreate = 27
  • OnDocumentCheckOut = 28
  • OnDocumentCheckIn = 29
  • OnDocumentUnpublish = 30
  • OnSubscription = 31
  • OnTestSubscription = 32
root/rows/rowcategoryidAn identifier of the category where the event was raised.
root/rows/rowcategoryname The name of the category where the event was raised. This name includes the path to the category.
root/rows/rowjobclassA value that identifies the type of job to perform.

The textual representation of the job type.

  • HTTP_Post = 0
  • ExecuteProgram = 1
  • HTTP_Get = 2
  • WebService = 3
  • AsynEventHandlerObject = 5
root/rows/rowstatusAn integer that represents the status of the job

The textual representation of the status of the job

  • New = 0
  • Assigned = 1
  • Running = 1
  • Completed = 100
  • Error = 101
  • Interrupted = 102
root/rows/rowerrorAn integer value containing zero (0) on success; otherwise an error number.
root/rows/rowerrortextIf the job failed this attribute contains the error message.

If the job performs repeated operations this is the number of the first task to perform. For an Xml background indexing job this is the identifier of the first document to index. For single operations this value is not used and is 1 or the id of the document that raised the event.


If the job performs repeated operation this is the number of the current operation For an Xml background indexing job this is the identifier of the first document in the current group of documents to index.
For single operations this value is not used and is equal to the startIndex attribute value


If the job performs repeated operation this is the number of the last operation For an Xml background indexing job this is the identifier of the last document to index. For single operations this value is not used and is the value of the startIndex attribute + 1.


A date time value that indicates the earliest point in time where the job can be run.

This is in the standard SortableDateTime pattern (based on ISO 8601 [yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff]) using the local time of the server when the version was modified.


A date time value that indicates the point in time where the job was created.

This is in the standard SortableDateTime pattern (based on ISO 8601 [yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff]) using the local time of the server when the version was modified.


This attribute is not present when the job is not assigned.

A date time value that indicates the point in time where the job was most recent modified.

This is in the standard SortableDateTime pattern (based on ISO 8601 [yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff]) using the local time of the server when the version was modified.


This attribute is not present when the job is not assigned.

A date time value that indicates the point in time where the job was assigned to an executing thread.

This is in the standard SortableDateTime pattern (based on ISO 8601 [yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff]) using the local time of the server when the version was modified.

root/rows/rowduration A time value that indicates the duration of the completed job or a job in progress.

This is in the standard Time pattern [HH:mm:ss.fff] with milliseconds.

The duration of a job, completed or not, is the difference between the modified and the assigned DateTime values.


CSException 1503 - The category does not exist
CSPermissionDeniedExceptionThe caller has no permission to perform the requested action
CSInvalidSessionExceptionThe session is invalid
CSInvalidParameterExceptionA parameter has an invalid value
ArgumentOutOfRangeException One of the filter members has an invalid value - or - categoryId is less than 1 - or - pageNumber is less than 1 - or - pageSize is negative
SqlExceptionAn error occurred when executing the command against the Content Studio database
Content Studio permissions

When categoryId is specified READ permission on that category is required. If the entire queue is requested (categoryId is null (Nothing in Visual Basic), only users with the global right GlobalGroupAdmin can successfully call this method.

Note Note
This method is new in Content Studio version 5.2.
See Also
