When used on a Content Studio document SubscriptionManager displays an interface that enables visitors to subscribe to one or more subscribable categories. This control can only handle subscribers stored in the built in Content Studio repository.


SubscriptionManager is used by developers that need to build an interface for visitors that offers them a possibility to subscribe to all or a subset of subscribable categories in Content Studio. The control is a composite control that contains one or more checkboxes, each one representing a subscribable Content Studio category, and input fields for the subscriber's name and email-address. There is also a regular command button that triggers the actual subscribe process.


Provided that the document author has configured that the SubscriptionManager should work with the Newsletter and IT department news categories the control should render something like this to the visitor.

IT department news

The code below renders the user interface above.

<csx:SubscriptionManager id="SubscriptionManager1" 
                         SuccessConfirmationText="You have successfully subscribed to the selected newsletters" 
                         LabelNameText="My name:" 
                         LabelAddressText="My email address:" 
                         ErrorNoNameText="Please, enter your name!" 
                         ErrorMustSelectOneText="Please, select at least one newsletter!"
                         ErrorInvalidAddressText="The email address is not valid!"
                         ConfirmationMailDocument="HTML/Newsletters utils/confirmSubscription.aspx"
                         ButtonText="Subscribe now!"
                         SuccessUrl="THTML/Newsletters utils/Subscribe success.aspx">
        <csx:SubscriptionManagerCheckboxItem runat="server" 
        <csx:SubscriptionManagerCheckboxItem runat="server" 
                                             Category="HTML/Newsletters/IT Department news"/>

Security considerations

This component opens a integrity problem due to the fact that anyone can subscribe to any of the listed categories with any name and valid e-mail address. Even though that the email address is check for validity syntactically no check is made whether the email address actually exists or whether the name is correct. This opens up an integrity problem that makes it possible for a malicious person to subscribe on the behalf of another person without her or his approval. Your solution should always take this into consideration and there are two obvious approaches to this problem.

Require login

If your website requires that each user is authenticated in some way and you have the name and email address of the calling person you can set the ShowNameAndAddress property to false. This will prevent the caller from entering a fake address and name. In this case you must programmatically set the SubscriberName and SubscriberAddress properties to their actual values.

// This will run on page load
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e )
	// This values come from the user's login information
	// but are hard coded here for simplicity
	SubscriptionManager1.SubscriberName = "John Doe";
	SubscriptionManager1.SubscriberAddress = "john.doe@corp.com";

Require confirmation

In an environment where the caller is anonymous or when you do not know the name or email address of the caller you can specify the confirmation is required for each subscription. When this is implemented the subscription will be added to the repository but will be inactive until the caller has explicitly activated it. This is done by an automatically generated email message sent out to the registered email address. This email message is a Content Studio document you design where the user's name, address and the name of the subscribable category is inserted using one of more instances of the SubscriptionMarker.htm component. When this confirmation mail is sent out the markers are replaces by the mail sender with the actual values. Just as important is the SubscriptionLink.htm component that links to a Content Studio page that implements the actual activation code. The activation code is most easily implemented by using the SubscriptionAction.htm component. SubscriptionAction.htm receives a query string that contains the unique subscription identifier. The mail sender implementation replaces the standard identifier of the SubscriptionLink.htm component to the actual value of the subscription to activate. The only person that can activate the subscription is now the receiver of the email. You set confirmation requirement on each listed category individually but the only one subscription mail documents is used for all of the categories.


If you use the default, built in implementation of the confirmation functionality you must also configure the mail settings in the Web.config file or one of parent config files such as Machine.config. Content Studio cannot send out mail until the mail settings correctly have been configured. This includes the name of the Mail server to use and the optional authentication credentials and method to use. Remember, not all mail server are configured to allow anonymous sending of mail messages.

The following code example specifies the appropriate SMTP parameters to send e-mail using the default network credentials using an SMTP server named POSTMAN.


  <!--Other setting elements might exist -->
      <smtp deliveryMethod="network">
  <!--Other configuration elements might exist -->

Advanced functionality

The built in subscription registering and confirmation functionality will be sufficient for most site builders but it is possible to supply their own implementation to the control. You can accomplish this by building a programming module that implements the ISubscriptionManager interface. This interface gets called by SubscriptionManager when the user clicks the submit button. The assembly code must be either located in the System/Code/CSCode or the System/Code/VBCode Content Studio categories. As an alternative you can upload a compiled version of the code into the System/Assemblies category. In order for SubscriptionManager to find and actually use your implementation you need to specifies the full assembly type information of your implementation if the control's SubscriptionImplementation property.

See also

SubscriptionManager API documentation.
SubscriptionLink.htm control.
SubscriptionMarker control.